Marketing the Magic of Mushrooms

Project – Position, design and launch the very first ready-to-drink, adaptogen-fueled latte brand in the USA. Disrupt a category weighed-down by poor creative and consumers skeptical of the taste and benefits of mushrooms and come away with a product elevated to the status of chic and accessible daily lifestyle brand.

Strategy and Creative
–  Kern & Lead and the founders of Earth & Star have been like organic peas and carrots since the serial entrepreneurs launched BluePrint Juice in 2007 sparking a national juice craze with the agency right by their side. 

In 2020 they turned to Kern & Lead with their new mushroom magic and we gave them a watertight design and digital strategy that underpins everything they do. From collaboration around position and message strategy to full digital and interactive expression – we’ve been a constant companion in the building of the Earth & Star brand.

Online we established a sleek look & feel and conversion happy site while handling all the nuts and bolts of ecommerce operations. Our SEO, social and digital advertising initiatives have grown demand at an astonishing rate.

– In the quest to be the kings of the mushroom kingdom, Earth & Star has become the hip and healthy way for people across the country to reap the benefits of adaptogens.

Thanks to Earth & Star, Crain’s New York says “Trend isn’t even the right word. Mushrooms are a movement.” and the The Strong Buzz calls it “A delicious way to drink you mushrooms – seriously.”